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May 2024

Feeding Your New Puppy

Wednesday, July 13, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

cutestpupNow that you just brought home your new puppy, you have to think about how much to feed him and how often. Here are some guidelines to help you out. Puppies less than three months old should be fed four times a day. How much should you feed him. As a general rule, start with a quarter cup of food. You can adjust this amount as your pup gets older. When your puppy is between three and six months old, feed him three times a day. Check the manufacturers recommendations as to how much to feed. Also, as your puppy gets bigger, gradually increase the amount. Most dog food also has a puppy formula. Check with your vet regarding which brand of dog food is best for puppies.

Once your puppy is over six months old, his adult feeding habit could be established. Usually two feedings a day is recommended. Once in the morning and then again in the early evening. Small dogs and toy dogs should continue to be fed a high quality of dog food three times a day. This will help to prevent hypoglycemia. Always remember to keep his dog water bowl full at all times.

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