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May 2024

Sometimes We Have To Go The Extra Mile For Our Pet

Wednesday, June 29, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

BLACKCATVETAs you know, my 17 year old cat Molly was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure last December. She also had hyperthyroid disease. Molly was having seizures, losing weight, and vomiting plus drinking very frequently. My vet gave her pet medication for thyroid disease and put her on a prescription diet. Molly was used to certain cat foods and cat treats so changing her diet was a challenge. I was determined to sustain Molly’s quality of life as long as I can. She didn’t like the prescription food, so I added another high quality food, (Weruva) and mixed the food together. She loves it! I’ve also done some research and found a high potent omega oil from Canada. It’s called Astro’s Oil and it was developed in Canada and the oil helped a pet who also had CRF (Chronic Renal failure). I’ve been ordering the oil ever since and it seems to have really helped Molly. I mix a small amount with her  cat food each day. So how is Molly today?

Right now she is sitting by the window watching the birds and squirrels fighting over the bird seed outside. She has gained more than a pound, her fur is shiny, she is eating well. She no longer has seizures and vomits rarely. Thanks to her pet medication, her Thyroid has returned to normal. So I feel that she is still enjoying a decent quality of life. She does drink frequently and her creatine levels have jumped up a bit but we are working hard to get them back down.  Right now, I’m very thankful that my little friend is still here with me. Sometimes, you have to go the extra mile for your pet!

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