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May 2024

Leaving Your Cat Alone

Monday, June 20, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

catsitterhomeYou have no choice but you have to leave town on business and must leave your beloved cat at home. This always made me a little nervous. Cats are independent but they do get lonely. Here’s what I would recommend. Cats are most comfortable in their own environment and if you could get someone that is reliable and likes pets to stay with your cat, that would be perfect. If you can’t, the second best choice is to get a reliable friend or neighbor to look in on your cat every day. It is important that someone be there at some point each day while you’re away.

Write down specific instructions for the pet sitter. This should include the time, amount and type of cat food that is fed. Make sure that their water bowl is filled at all times. I would have them fill two or three large bowls of water. Make sure that the sitter knows where everything is located.

It is important to provide the sitter important phone numbers, like your number, your vets name and number as well as the local police and fire department.

Finally, your cat does need affection. Make sure that the sitter is comfortable petting and playing with your cat. Leave lots of cat toys around for your cat to play with. I would ask the sitter to play will your cat a little each day. Before you know it, you’ll be back home with your pet.

Remember, your pets count!

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