Your Pets Count

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May 2024

Check to Make Sure That Your Prospective New Condo or Complex Accepts Pets

Thursday, May 5, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

nopetIf you’re a pet lover and plan to move to a new condo or complex, the first thing that you need to do is to make sure you are allowed to have pets. If there’s any question, walk away and find a pet friendly dwelling. Condo and complexes that don’t accept pets create a big drawback when it comes to buying and selling this real estate. Lets face it, people love their pets and all  complexes should be pet friendly but should have well established rules. For example all dogs should be kept on their dog leash. There should be designated areas for walking and fines for failing to clean up after your pet. Unfortunately, many condo complexes are too lazy to create these rules and keep them enforced. My former complex was one of them and still doesn’t allow pets although they usually won’t bother you if you have a cat. Make sure that you get the specifics when it comes to pets. If they do allow pets, is there a size limitation? Do they only allow cats? So before you buy  that dog bowl, and dog crate, make sure that your new condo is pet friendly!

Remember, your pets count!

Shop online at our pet store. The Pet Product Guru Store!

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