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May 2024

Is Surprising Someone with A New Puppy Always a Good Idea?

Sunday, May 1, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

newpup.jgpSurprising somebody with a puppy can be a very exciting and spontaneous gift. It can also be rewarding, but only if you’ve given the gift a lot of thought. If you buy a puppy on a whim, it’s a dangerous endeavor. You must make sure you have the time, energy, and money necessary to give a puppy a loving home. If you haven’t thought about the purchase beforehand, you run the risk of the recipient losing interest or simply being unable to provide what that young puppy deserves.

With that in mind, before you give anybody a puppy as a surprise, make sure you also consider purchasing the immediately necessary dog products like a dog leash,dog food , dog bed,a dog crate, a few dog collars and ceramic dog dish.

The most important thing to consider is that the puppy needs love and attention right away. Put the new dog owner in a position to start feeding and walking the puppy right away. Just provide enough to get through the first week or so. This gives them enough time to make all the secondary purchases for their new best friend. Remember, give this serious thought! Don’t do this on a whim, a puppy becomes a family member.

Remember, your pets count!

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