Your Pets Count

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May 2024

Henry The Abandoned Cat

Sunday, May 1, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

HENRYThis is an update on the outdoor/indoor cat named Henry that was abandoned. Our next door neighbors moved out in September, 2015. Henry was their cat who was with them for years. After they moved, I didn’t see Henry anymore so I assumed that they took him with them. My neighbors house was knocked down and a new house now sits in its place. My new neighbor informed me that my former neighbors never took Henry with them. He was abandoned. Since we are both animal lovers, we both felt terrible about this. My neighbor recently informed me that Henry was seen in the neighborhood. I have not seen him yet but according to my neighbor, he did survive the winter. Since I have two cats and that Henry has FIV which is the feline version of HIV, I cannot take him in. My neighbor and I decided that we were going to put cat food and a water bowl outside for Henry. He is free to lie on my porch and will be able to visit anytime.Last night, I did just that. I placed cat food and a water bowl outside for Henry.

It’s really awful that so many cats are abandoned by their owners. This is irresponsible and heartless. Our pets are members of our families. Would you abandon your children if you moved?  Our feline friends should have a warm cat bed, quality cat food, cat treats and lots of love. More to come on the fate of Henry.

Remember, your pets count!

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