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Moving Day! How To Handle Your Cats

Thursday, April 14, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

CATMOVEWell, the day has finally arrived, after months of work and preparation, today’s the day that we play to relocate our lives permanently to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. We have been packing up the apartment and friends are on their way up here to take our furniture. Since we already have everything we need in Delaware, we are giving away the furniture. My type “A” personality is already kicking in. “What if they don’t show up?” What if they can’t get this large furniture out of the apartment?” are questions swirling through my head . My cats,  well they are care free snoozing in their cat beds and meowing for cat food. Boy, I wish I had a cat’s life. Web Md  has put out a helpful preparation guide to help make your move with your feline friends a bit easier.


Allow your cat time to get used to his cat carrier. Leave it sitting out with the door open and a comfy bed inside. Occasionally leave a couple of cat treats in it so your cat can find them on his own. Start feeding your cat in the carrier. If your cat is reluctant to enter the carrier to eat, start by just placing his dish next to it. After a few days, put the dish just inside the carrier, right near the opening. Then, over a week or two, gradually move the dish toward the back of the carrier so your cat has to step a little further inside each day. Eventually, place the dish at the very back of the carrier to your cat must go all the way into it to eat.
Put out your moving boxes a couple weeks before you need to start packing so your cat has time to get used to their presence. If your cat is nervous while you’re packing, he’ll probably be happier closed in a quiet room, away from the activity and noise. It’s also a good idea to confine your cat if you think he might try to hide in one of the boxes.
Try to keep your cat’s daily routine as stable as possible. Stick closely to his regular schedule for feeding, play and attention. A feeder with a timer can be helpful to make sure your cat eats at the same time each day.
If your cat is very skittish, nervous or easily stressed, speak to your vet about using anti-anxiety medication to make the moving process easier on him.

Remember, your pets count!

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