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May 2024

A NASTY Day at Work – Cats Provide Comfort

Saturday, April 9, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

CATBADDAYI’m recovering from a nasty stomach virus. Yesterday was a day where, I was wrapped up in blankets and couldn’t even smell food! During this time, My cat Molly was right there. It seems that she knew that I was under the weather because she curled her body up close to mine and was careful not to climb all over me like she usually does. Cats provide us with comfort in many ways. They don’t bark or show their affection like dogs do but they love to be near the people that they love. They provide a comforting purr and snuggle up next to you while you’re reading or relaxing.

I’ve had a bad last day of work.  A nasty Vice Principal  destroyed my day and I feel compelled to write about this. As I mentioned, I woke up very sick on Friday and normally, I would have never gone into work but it was my last day as I am moving out of state. I’m a teacher and had things to wrap up. As a teacher in my district, some teachers have lunch duty obligations. I had two of them scheduled on Friday. Let me tell you, if your are sick, lunch duty is the WORST place you want to be. The noise and confusion are overwhelming! Most other districts hire lunch aids for this job. As I was signing in, I told the Vice Principal that I really wasn’t feeling well and would be leaving early and that I only came in because it was my last day. She literally scowled at me and said “You have to do lunch duty“, then she started babbling about some paperwork that I didn’t complete. The paperwork was completed and submitted! I told her that I’m leaving because I’m sick and I will NOT do lunch duty! The insensitivity of this women shocked me! She ruined my last day! I was very sick and stayed a few hours so I could see my students and coworkers and wrap up some things I needed to do. My students and wonderful co-workers managed to cushion the blow of this bitter, nasty women!  Because of this situation, I leave this school with a very bad taste in my mouth and I’m really happy to be out.  Some people should never be administrators. They seem to think they have something to prove!  I left coming home feeling very sick, disgusted and sad. When I got home, I quickly got under the covers and my cat Molly was right there with her unconditional love. Her gently purr comforted me and reminded me that things aren’t so bad. So take special care of your cat, she deserves it. Make sure she eats quality cat food to keep her healthy, has a comfortable at cat bed and plenty of cat treats –she certainly deserves them!

Remember, your pets count —thank God I’m out of that place!!!!!!!

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