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May 2024

Do cats snore? There’s no pet medication that will cure this one!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
posted by Jim Murphy

cat-in-bed-2Most of us are willing to admit that we were abuptly woken up in the middle of the night to the sound of an on coming train! Yes, loud snoring. Let me tell you about being woken up out of a deep sleep to that same sound. Only there wasn’t any spouse or significant other lying next to me. I had my little furry friend Mollie lying near my feet keeping me nice and warm on a cold night in Delaware. The loud sound was Mollie snoring.  I could never believe that a cat could snore. As I lie awake, she was sound asleep snoring up a sound. Do you know that I had to wake her up to stop her from snoring just like you would a spouse or significant other!  So the answer to this very pressing question is yes cats do snore. A study that was conducted at the Mayo Clinic discovered this terrible truth.  Of the people who allow their pets to sleep with them, snoring was reported in 21 percent of dogs and 7 percent of cats. My Mollie is one of that 7%.  So if there is no one in your bedroom except your cat, you’re not dreaming if you think you hear snoring and there is no ghost lying next to you. It’s only your furry little friend who is getting a much better nights sleep than you are at this point.  No, there is no pet medication that can cure your cats problem and there are no nose strips for cats.

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