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May 2024

An Unexpected Diagonsis

Friday, January 1, 2016
posted by Jim Murphy

catkidneyYesterday, I took my cat Molly who’s sixteen and a half to the vet. I wanted her thyroid checked because her appetite has increases and her weight hasn’t. This plus the fact that her last exam in April 2015 revealed that her thyroid was borderline high was the reason for her follow up exam. Last time all other tests came out fine.

After her blood was taken and analyzed, the vet found that her thyroid is overactive, as I had suspected . The vet suggested a kidney exam since thyroid medication affects the kidneys. Since her kidneys checked out fine last time, I wasn’t worried until the doctor came out with a worried look on her face. She called me into her office and told me that Molly had kidney disease. I was very upset since this is a much more serious problem than the thyroid. An overactive thyroid can be controlled by medication but the medication will affect her already compromised kidneys. So at this point, I’m only giving her half the dosage of the thyroid medication. I’m giving her prescription food that is easy on her kidneys. I’ve decided to mix this with her regular food. She is scheduled for another check up in three weeks. I will do my best to extend her life and keep her as comfortable as possible.

To tell you the truth, I missed some of the symptoms of failing kidneys. She has been drinking a lot (which his a good thing) and urinating frequently. I assumed that this was due to her large appetite. The increased appetite is a symptom of overactive thyroid. The frequent drinking and urinating is a symptom of kidney disease.

I have also ordered her ASTRO’s oil. Check it out at . It is a combination of oils that are supposed to help kidney function. I have not tried it yet so I don’t know how effective it is.

I will update you on Molly’s condition but look for these signs as your cat ages.

Remember, your pets count!

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