Your Pets Count

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May 2024

Cats Can Keep You Calm

Friday, May 15, 2015
posted by Jim Murphy

WELCOMETRAFFICCATPURRLiving in north Jersey is very stressful. Everything seems to be getting more difficult. You can’t drive anywhere because there is so much traffic! Today, after work I wanted to go to the county park for my daily 2 mile walk. Well that didn’t happen. The main road was blocked off and traffic was grid locked up the side streets. Enough for that idea so I decided to head home.

Between the horrendous traffic here, the unkind people, and high taxes, I really need to de stress. When I come home and find my two cats comfortably in their favorite resting spot, I regain a sense of balance and peace. I shut the door and I’m away from chaotic north Jersey. At least in my mind. I sit down to read and have a cup of coffee and my older cat Molly immediately jumps up, lies on my stomach and begins to purr. All is right with the world once again. Her unconditional love restores peace and comfort. Cats provide peace, security and balance in an unbalanced world.

So if you live in north Jersey, the stress capital of the world or a similar place, take comfort in your furry little friends waiting for you at home without a care in the world.

Remember, your pets count!

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