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Keeping Your Pets Safe From Coyotes

Saturday, April 25, 2015
posted by Jim Murphy

COYOTEIt happens much to often, an unsuspecting pet owner, lets their pet outside to play and it gets attacked by a predator. It seems like these days, coyotes are the predator of choice. Coyotes have been seen roaming the streets of Manhattan. So how can you keep your pets safe?

Don’t leave your pets alone outside, especially at dawn or at dusk. Coyotes also come out a lot during breeding season which is usually January to March. Dogs should never be chained outside and should be on a leash in public areas. Never let your pet play or interact with a coyote. Never leave dog or cat food outside. The warning is especially important for people who feed stray cats. Coyotes will prey on feral cats that are coming to a feeding place. If you are feeding outside cats, do so during the day and for a set amount of time and elevate feeding stations. Also keep trash in high quality containers with tight fitting lids.
If your pet must be outside, use fencing and make sure it is at least 6-feet high and 6-inches deep to keep Coyotes from jumping over it or digging under it

Dr. Georgesen of the Blum Animal Hospital in Chicago offers these safety tips.

• Coyotes normally hunt small mammals, such as rabbits, but will attack and kill cats and small dogs.

• Never leave your pets outside unattended, especially small pets and cats. Only let them outside when you are with them. Be especially cautious at dusk, night and dawn.

• Never leave pet food and water outside. Coyotes will prey on feral cats that are coming to a feeding place. If you are feeding outside cats, do during the day and for a set amount of time. Elevate feeding stations. Keep trash in high quality containers with tight fitting lids.

• Dogs should never be chained outside and should be on a leash in public areas. If your pet must be outside, make sure your yard fence is 6-feet high and at least 6-inches deep. Never let your pet play or interact with a coyote.

• Attacks can occur on larger dogs during Coyote breeding season when coyotes feel their territory is threatened, which is usually January to March.

• If you encounter a coyote, never throw food at it. Don’t turn your back and run away. Yell or make a loud noise, clap or stomp. Make eye contact and make yourself look bigger. Coyotes get scared easily and will usually run away.

Information obtained from CBS News Chicago.

Remember, your pets count!

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