Your Pets Count

pet information that caters to your special friend



May 2024

Sleepless in Edgewater

Tuesday, March 3, 2015
posted by Jim Murphy

CATBEDOn any given night, Bob Walker and Frances Mooney  of San Diego share their bed with at least eight cats. Walker mentioned that he usually sleeps on his stomach and a cat usually shares his pillow. He makes contortionist moves just to accommodate his cats.

The Mayo Clinic finds that pets can contribute to insomnia. Bob Walker can’t remember when he got a full nights sleep.

Last night, my cat Molly, sat on my nightstand and put her paw on my cheek about 2:00am. She wanted a can of her wet food. Of course, I accommodated her and got out of bed to feed her. Back to bed I went and within one hour, Molly was back, she once again pokes me with her paw. This time, she wanted me to get up and put the water on for her in the bathroom. This time, I did not accommodate her. I politely told her, to go to sleep and she’ll get the water turned on in the morning. Needless to say, this did not satisfy her. She continued to sit on my nightstand, poke me and meow. Finally, she got bored and went to sleep. Good for her because I was up the rest of the night! I guess you’re not a true cat lover if you sleep soundly!

Remember, your pets count!

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