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Removing Pet Odors and Stains From Hardwood Floors

Thursday, October 9, 2014
posted by Jim Murphy

Dog hardwoodPets owners who have hardwood floors are constantly faced with the problem of clearing up stains and odors from their beautiful floor. Urine and waste soak into the hardwood floors, resulting in stains and unpleasant smells The owner quickly rushes to the store and buys the strongest chemicals to remove the stains and odor. These cleaners will do your floor more harm than good.  Here are the three best stain and odor removal options for hardwood floors.

  1. Vinegar SolutionThis is one of the most simple and effective  home solution to pet odor removal for hardwood floors. . Vinegar is a natural disinfectant. It also works as a natural deodorant and is useful in removing odors from your floors For the cleaning solution, mix a cup of white vinegar into a bucket of warm water. Use this solution to mop the floors. You’ll notice an immediate decrease in the odor. Another similar solution is made by mixing a cup of white vinegar with a few drops of grapefruit oil to a bucket of warm water. This solution attacks not only the odor, replacing it with a soothing fragrance, but also eliminates stains.
  2.  Baking Soda Solution

    Another effective kitchen solution is to use baking soda. Baking soda is very effective in pulling removing stains and odors from the floors. All you have to to is to sprinkle and leave the  baking soda on the floor for about two to three hours, then  mop the floors with vinegar solution. You can also add one cup of baking soda to this vinegar solution. In the case of a strong odor, consider sprinkling baking soda on the floors and letting it sit over night.

    3. Hydrogen Peroxide Solution

    Another good solution that deals with pet odor removal for hardwood floors is hydrogen peroxide. One method is to simply mop the affected area with a cleaning rag soaked in hydrogen peroxide and to let the floor dry out. You will notice a drop in odor as well as a clearing up of the stains on the floor. The other approach is to leave the hydrogen peroxide-soaked rags over the affected spots and let them sit there till they dry out. However, you need to be careful while using hydrogen peroxide as this material can bleach your beautiful hardwood floor. If your floor gets bleached, you will have to treat the wood once again. Hence, it is best to consult some professionals for tips before opting for this method.

    It is also important to take certain precautionary measures when working with hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to prepare yourself with safety gear. This includes a mask, gloves and safety goggles. Also ensure that the room is well ventilated. Open the windows before you get to work; this will keep you safe from any chemical fumes that may arise during the clean up.

    A special thanks to Do It Yourself .com for provided some of this useful information.


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