Your Pets Count

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April 2024

Where to Place Your Cats Litter Box

Tuesday, March 26, 2013
posted by Jim Murphy

The location of your cats litter box is most important. Most cat owners tend to place their cats litter box in an out of the way place to minimize odor and prevent cat litter from being tracked through the house, but if that out of the way place is in the basement on a cold floor, there’s a good chance that your cat won’t use it.

  • Keep your litter box in a place that gives your cat his privacy yet is easily accessible.
  • Avoid placing the litter box next to noisy appliances or next to a heater.  The noise will scare your cat and the heat will make the box smell even worse. It these cases, your cat may avoid it altogether.
  • Put the box far away from his food and water. Cat’s don’t like the smell of the litter too close to their food. Would you?
  • Place at least one litter box on each level of your house.  This way you cat has options depending on what floor he’s on.  If you have more than one cat, provide several litter boxes so one cat doesn’t ambush the other the way my older cat Mollie did to my younger cat Mille!
  • If you keep your litter box in the bathroom, be sure that the door stays open so that your cat can’t get trapped inside or get locked out.

Remember, your pets count!

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