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May 2024

The Pros and Cons of Automatic Pet Feeders

Monday, November 16, 2020
posted by Jim Murphy

You may have seen automatic pet feeders in the store and wondered why anyone would want one. There are several good reasons for owning one.

Cats associate their owners with food and this association could be very annoying because cats demand food anytime when hungry or not so hungry. This can be really be a problem to some owners who don’t want to be woken up at 4:00 am because their cat is meowing and wants to be fed.

Automatic feeders allow you to feed your pet without you being present and this means a lot when you’re away. Another good reason for choosing an automatic pet feeder is that some cats eat all their food at once. If you’re away at work, the automatic pet feeder will dispense food in small portions throughout the day. Of course, if you feed your can strictly wet cat food, this device will not be practical.

Now my take is that if you own a cat, it’s always a good idea to add wet food to his diet. An automatic feeder is great if you’re going to be away for a couple of days but when you’re home, I wouldn’t only depend on this type of feeder. Each cat has different needs and so always need to keep a close watch how how much you cats eats. Especially if he has been diagnosed with a particular disease.

Remember, your pets count!

Astro’s Oil helps cats with feline kidney disease. Their website says it all!

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