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May 2024

Essential Oils for Cats

Thursday, July 9, 2020
posted by Jim Murphy

Essential oils have always helped humans and are becoming very popular when treating our feline friends. These oils can be very concentrated so it’s very important to check with your vet before administering any essential oils to your cat. I first discovered this alternative when my cat Molly was diagnosed with Kidney disease. Although my vet put her on some prescribed medications, I didn’t see much of an improvement in her overall health. I did lots of research and would never just choose any natural product and give it to her.

I remember I was at the beach  and was reading a lot of documentation  on kidney disease. I came across a product called Astro’s oil. I didn’t just see an advertisement for this product but the whole story behind it’s development. It was developed by a doctor for his cat Astro who had advanced kidney disease. After reading the details behind Astro’s Oil I decided to purchase it for my cat Molly. After about a week, I began to notice some very positive changes. Molly’s appetite returned and she wasn’t as listless. I was so pleased that I kept her on Astro’s Oil for the next five years!

My recommendation to you is to do your research, consult your vet and never try to self medicate your precious feline friend. Believe me, it took me a while and a lot of digging before I added this essential oil to  Molly’s regimen. My cat Atlantis now has kidney disease and is on Astro’s oil. He’s doing so much better. In fact he is here right by my side as I right this.

Remember, your pets count!


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