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May 2024

Time To Take Your Dog To The Groomer

Sunday, February 1, 2015
posted by Jim Murphy

dog groomerTime to get your pet into his dog carrier and head to the groomer. Will this be a good or bad experience for him?

There are things to consider before trusting your pet to a new dog groomer. Going to the groomer  can be a stressful time for your dog. It’s important that you have a good, gentle, reliable groomer that your dog will trust. You will not have problems taking him if he has a pleasant experience while at the groomer. How do you choose a groomer? I would first ask around. Ask those who have a dog similar to yours. Friends and acquaintances will give you helpful, honest opinions. If you don’t get anywhere, I would then ask my vet.

Next, check the groomers’ credentials. Some states require a groomer to have special training and certification. Every area requires a business license.  You may also want to check with the Better Business Bureau to see if any complaints were filed against the groomer.

Make sure that the groomer has experience with your type of dog.  Safety is extremely important. Find out if the groomer uses any restraining devices, what are the chemicals that are used and what kind of method is used for drying your dog. I’ve heard of cases where the dog was burned in the dryer because it was left unattended or the temperature was set too high.

Check out the amount of noise at the groomers. Your dog may stress out if all he hears is constant barking. Try to find a groomer where the environment is peaceful and quiet.

Finally, make sure that you have the groomers schedule. You will need an appointment for most groomers.

Remember, your pets count!

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