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March 2023

Archive for March 7th, 2023

Veterinary caring of a cute cat, close up

About a year ago, my cat Millie had what appeared to be an abscess on her left cheek. Her face appeared swollen and she seemed bothered by it. When it began to bleed, I decided that I needed to take her to the vet. Since we moved to Delaware, Millie had no medical problems (She’s 18 now). We decided not to use the vet that we used for our other cats because we had bad experiences. We needed to find Millie a vet fast. It was a difficult process since it seems that all of the vets down here are not accepting new patients. We finally found a vet in Georgetown, Delaware and decided to take Millie there.

Our experience was not a good one. The vet insisted that the abscess was due to tooth decay and wanted to remove her teeth. He also told us she had advanced kidney disease and a heart murmur. All of these things proved to be not true. We had two cats who passed from kidney disease and we know the symptoms of this disease very well. Millie exhibits none of these symptoms. Her abscess was cured with antibiotics and it has not returned contrary to what that vet told us.

So it’s been over a year now and our Millie is doing fine. She’s now eighteen and a half and still can bolt across a room at lightning speed. She is eating well and looks well. Needless to say we will never take her back to that vet. My advice to you is that if you have a bad experience with a vet, don’t stay in that situation, change vets.

Remember, pets are family!

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