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November 2021

Archive for November 12th, 2021

Keeping Dog Aggression at Bay

Friday, November 12, 2021
posted by Jim Murphy

It can be very stressful when your dog sees another dog while you’re waling him and reacts with aggression. It sounds like the dogs are going to kill each other. There are some things that you may try to keep this problem at bay. Continue practicing “sit” and “stay” commands in a controlled environment. Keep her on  a leash so that you have complete control of her when she disobeys the commands. She can feel your tension so you need to be relaxed and calm.   Knowing someone who has a calm dog that can help train your dog with you is always helpful. Their dog needs to be on a leash as well. Just have them sit far enough away so that the other dog is not interested in your dog while you conduct sit and stay drills. Slowly have the dogs cross paths. Use the commands if your dog becomes aggressive. Take along some treats for good behavior. You must have patience and repeat this over and over until your dog seems to calm down.

Make sure that your dog is well socialized. Take her to the park to play with the other dogs frequently. I found that dogs that are not properly socialized with exhibit much more aggression toward others dogs while they are being walked.

You can also try taking her to obedience school. This will take the burden off of you and the situation will be handled by the experts.

Remember, pets are family.

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