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October 2017

Archive for October 25th, 2017

A Little Cat Spoiling Won’t Hurt Anyone!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017
posted by Jim Murphy

When I was a kid, we had a cat named Tiger. Tiger was the kind of cat that you could not pet, or even hold for that matter. Tiger was always under a bed or sleeping in a corner. That’s because when we were brought up, our parents did not allow cats on the furniture and poor tiger was always getting scolded when jumping on anything. As much as I respect my parents, I do feel that cats are climbers by nature. They love to jump on things like couches and tables. I believe that the reason why Tiger was not used to being held or even pet is because he lacked human interaction and bonding. While I’m not fond of cats on the table, my spoiled Molly is able to go wherever she wants.

President Lincoln who loved cats once was hosting a formal While House dinner when he let his cat Dixie, eat from the table. Mrs. Lincoln was horrified and scolded her husband later on. When we have guests, even my spoiled Molly is not allowed near the table even though if she had her way, she would love to join us for dinner.

Today, our pets are like family but in some families especially years  years ago, it wasn’t alway like that. A cats purpose was to catch mice. Thankfully, we’ve come a long way from that line of thinking. So lets keep spoiling our pets, they provide us with so much unconditional  love that a little spoiling won’t hurt anyone.

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