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You are currently browsing the The Pet Product Guru blog archives for the day Saturday, May 25th, 2013.



May 2013

Archive for May 25th, 2013


Saturday, May 25, 2013
posted by Jim Murphy

Well, I finally made it down to Rehoboth Beach for the Memorial Day weekend. On Friday, I packed the car,  and put my cats in their carriers and headed down from Edgewater, NJ. It’s a 218 mile trip which should take about four hours. It was 1:45pm when I hit the road. As soon as I got on the New Jersey Turnpike (or as I call it “turnpike to hell”) I realized that this was going to be a long trip. It was longer than I expected. The road was lit up with red taillights from the beginning to the end. It was a grueling trip. A real nightmare!  I crawled and crawled. The relentless traffic just wouldn’t let up.  I cursed NJ, the rotten turnpike and everything that I could!  The four hour trip took over 7 hours!!

You can give a dog water and food during a long trip to prevent dehydration but cats usually will not eat or drink anything while traveling.  It was now past 9:00pm and Mollie and Millie did not have anything to eat or drink for more than seven hours.  I set out their food and Mollie began eating and eating and eating. About a half hour later, I noticed that she was drinking a lot of water. Much more than usual. A few minutes after that, she made a very loud, strange noise. It sounded like she was in pain. I panicked! She then began to vomit and vomit.  I got very concerned but it seemed like she was fine after the vomiting stopped. She is now fine, eating and drinking like normal. I attribute her upset stomach will the fact that she was dehydrated and ate much too fast. I curse the New Jersey Turnpike with all of its construction and horrible traffic. It makes traveling in New Jersey very frustrating.

Keep this in mind when you travel with cats. Maybe you should leave late at night so you don’t run the risk of sitting for hours and hours in relentless traffic and if you can, avoid the New Jersey Turnpike at all costs. It is really terrible!

Remember, your pets count!              Listen to our radio stations all weekend long. Summer music is back on Edgewater Radio. It’s THE EDGEWATER INTERNET RADIO NETWORK.