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April 2010

Archive for April 11th, 2010

cat-and-vetYour cat has been diagnosed with diabetes. She’ll have to go to the vet regularly for monitoring however, you should be able for monitor your cat’s diabetes from home. The first thing that you must do is make sure that she is eating and drinking well. Make sure that you ask your vet about the kind of diet that she should be on. Follow the insulin schedule that your vet has given to you.  Cats require insulin injections to be administered twice per day. Your vet may recommend a high protein diet for your cat since this will help assist with her glucose regulation. This type of diet may not be appropriate for every kind of diabetic cat. Follow your vets instructions carefully. The complication that is one of the worst for a diabetic cat is hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. This can be fatal if it’s not addressed quickly. Signs to look for are your cat becoming weak or having a seizure. Do not reach for any pet medication at this point. Assume that it is related to low blood sugar and rub some corn syrup on her gums. When she is alert, encourage her to eat and then contact your veterinarian immediately. Ask your vet about other ways to check your cat at home in order to avoid these dangerous hypoglycemic situations.  There are home glucose monitoring systems that involve pricking the cats ear or toe pad. Results are easily obtainable and are one of the best methods of getting your cats glucose regulated.